Hinweis: Die Gliederung zu den Befehlen Und Ergebnissen in R orientiert sich an dem Inhaltsverzeichnis der 17. Auflage der ‘Angewandten Statistik’. Nähere Hinweise zu den verwendeten Formeln sowie Erklärungen zu den Beispielen sind in dem Buch (Ebook) nachzulesen!

zur Druckversion

Hinweis: Die thematische Gliederung zu den aufgeführten Befehlen und Beispielen orientiert sich an dem Inhaltsverzeichnis der 17. Auflage der ‘Angewandten Statistik’. Nähere Hinweise zu den verwendeten Formeln sowie Erklärungen zu den Beispielen sind in dem Buch (Ebook) nachzulesen!

Aktuelle R-Umgebung zu den Beispielen

The R Project for Statistical Computing

## R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.1252  LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.1252   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=German_Germany.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                   
## [5] LC_TIME=German_Germany.1252    
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] compiler_3.6.3  magrittr_1.5    tools_3.6.3     htmltools_0.4.0
##  [5] yaml_2.2.1      Rcpp_1.0.4      stringi_1.4.6   rmarkdown_2.1  
##  [9] knitr_1.28      stringr_1.4.0   xfun_0.12       digest_0.6.25  
## [13] rlang_0.4.5     evaluate_0.14

Download von Datensätzen, die in den folgenden Beispielen verwendet werden:

Schweissraten : sweat

7.1 Der statistische Test

7.1.5 Wie oft wird eine wahre Nullhypothese abgelehnt?

r <- 1:5
p <- 0.01
n <- c(22, 83, 154, 231, 310)
P <- round(pnbinom(n-r, r, p), 2); P
## [1] 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

7.1.6 Einstichproben-Gauss-Test

alpha <- 0.05 
mu.0  <- 20
sigma <- 10
n     <- 25

l.a    <- mu.0 - qnorm(1-alpha, mean=0, sd=1)*(sigma/sqrt(n)); l.a
## [1] 16.71029
l.b    <- mu.0 + qnorm(1-alpha, mean=0, sd=1)*(sigma/sqrt(n)); l.b
## [1] 23.28971
l.c1   <- mu.0 - qnorm(1-alpha/2, mean=0, sd=1)*(sigma/sqrt(n)); l.c1
## [1] 16.08007
l.c2   <- mu.0 + qnorm(1-alpha/2, mean=0, sd=1)*(sigma/sqrt(n)); l.c2
## [1] 23.91993

m      <- 16
p.a    <- pnorm(m, mean=mu.0, sd=sigma/sqrt(n)); p.a 
## [1] 0.02275013
p.b    <- 1 - pnorm(m, mean=mu.0, sd=sigma/sqrt(n)); p.b 
## [1] 0.9772499
p.c    <- 2 * pnorm(m, mean=mu.0, sd=sigma/sqrt(n)); p.c
## [1] 0.04550026

7.1.7 Powerfunktion

alpha <- 0.05
nro1  <- 10; nro2 <- 20;
diff  <- seq(-4, +4, by=0.01)
stdev <- 2

result1 <- power.t.test(n = nro1, delta = diff, sd = stdev, 
    sig.level = alpha, type = "one.sample", alternative = "two.sided")
result2 <- power.t.test(n = nro2, delta = diff, sd = stdev, 
    sig.level = alpha, type = "one.sample", alternative = "two.sided")
par(mfcol=c(1,1), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="l", ps=13)  
plot(diff/stdev, result1$power, type = "l", xlim=c(-1.6, +1.6), 
        ylim=c(0,1), axes = FALSE,
     xlab = expression(paste("Differenz  ",mu - mu[0],
     "  in Einheiten von  ",sigma[0],"  f?r  ",alpha," = 0.05")),
     ylab = expression(paste("Power  (1 - ",beta," )")))
axis(2, pos=c(-1.7,0),las=1)    ; axis(2, pos=c(0,0), las=1)
axis(2, pos=c(+1.7,0), las=1)   ; axis(1, pos=c(0,0))
lines(diff/stdev, result2$power); abline(v=1, lty=2)          
text(-0.4,0.7,"n = 20")
text(-0.8,0.4,"n = 10")

power.t.test(n = 10, delta = 5, sd = 5, sig.level = 0.05,
                       type = "one.sample", alternative = "two.sided")
##      One-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 10
##           delta = 5
##              sd = 5
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.8030962
##     alternative = two.sided

power.t.test(n = 20, delta = 5, sd = 5, sig.level = 0.05,
                       type = "one.sample", alternative = "two.sided")
##      One-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 20
##           delta = 5
##              sd = 5
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.9885913
##     alternative = two.sided

7.1.8 Operationscharakteristik

n <- 46                                                         # Umfang der Stichprobe
c <- 1                                                          # Annahmezahl (acceptance)
N <- 1000                                                       # Umfang der Charge

                                         # Wahrscheinlichkeit defekter Einheiten (quality)
p <- seq(0, 0.1, by=0.005)    
P <- pbinom(c, n, p)

pbinom(1, 46, 0.0077)                                           #  AQL für alpha = 0.05             
## [1] 0.9509134
pbinom(1, 46, 0.0819)                                           #  RQL für beta  = 0.10             
## [1] 0.1001856

par(mfrow=c(1,1), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=14)
plot(p, P, type="b", xlim=c(0, 0.1), ylim=c(0, 1),
     xlab="p - Anteil defekt (Qualität)",
     ylab="P - Wahrscheinlichkeit für Akzeptanz")

abline(h=0.1, lty=1, col="grey")
abline(h=0.95, lty=1, col="grey")

abline(v=0.0075, lty=2, col="grey")
abline(v=0.0825, lty=2, col="grey")

text(0.012, 0.99, expression(alpha), cex=1.5)
text(0.035, 0.99, "(Produzenten-Risiko)")

text(0.012, 0.15, expression(beta), cex=1.5)
text(0.035, 0.15, "(Konsumenten-Risiko)")

text(0.015, 0.00, "AQL = 0.0077", cex=1.2)
text(0.085, 0.00, "RQL = 0.0819", cex=1.2)

AOQ <- P * p * (N-n) / N

par(mfrow=c(1,1), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=14, cex.axis=1) 
plot(p, AOQ, type="b", xlim=c(0, 0.1), ylim=c(0, 0.02),
     xlab="p - Anteil defekt (Qualit?t)",
     ylab="mittlerer Durchschlupf (AOQ)")
abline(h=0.0174, lty=1)
abline(v=0.035, lty=2)
text(0.06, 0.0185, "AOQL=0.0174")

ATI <- n + (1-P) * (N-n)    
plot(p, ATI, type="b", xlim=c(0, 0.1), ylim=c(0, 1000),
     xlab="p - Anteil defekt (Qualität)",
     ylab="mittlerer Prüfaufwand (ATI)")     

7.2 Tests der Verteilung (Anpassungstests)

7.2.2 Überprüfung des 3. und 4. Moments

x <- c(rep(30, 16), 50, 70, 90, 110)              
n <- length(x);  m <- mean(x)

sqrt(n)*sum((x-m)^3) / sqrt(sum((x-m)^2)^3)                       # skewness 
## [1] 2.146625

n * sum((x-m)^4) / (sum((x-m)^2))^2                               # kurtosis
## [1] 6.248

Funktionen skewness() und kurtosis in library(e1071)

x <- c(rep(30, 16), 50, 70, 90, 110)
## [1] 1.987658
## [1] 5.63882


x <- c(3, 5, 2, 6, 7, 7, 4, 2, 6, 12, 15, 18); sort(x)
##  [1]  2  2  3  4  5  6  6  7  7 12 15 18
n <- length(x); m <- mean(x); I <- ifelse(x<m, 1, 0)
S <- sum(I); Amin <- S; Aplus <- n - S
test <- (Amin - Aplus)^2 / n; test
## [1] 3
qchisq(0.10, 1, lower.tail=F)
## [1] 2.705543

7.2.3 Der Quantile-Quantile Plot

Beispiel Nüchternblutzucker und Cholesterin:

nblz <- c(90,  74,  94,  79, 100,  87,  87,  84,  78,  94,
          73,  99,  85,  83,  70,  84,  91,  99,  85,  89,  
          80,  89,  81,  95,  89,  94,  77,  87,  89,  86,  
          94, 110,  92,  92,  93,  94,  87,  90, 107,  74)

chol <- c(195, 205, 245, 190, 260, 190, 340, 195, 285, 380, 
          220, 240, 235, 215, 190, 275, 205, 290, 200, 210,
          220, 265, 235, 200, 350, 220, 450, 230, 185, 295,
          380, 200, 485, 210, 185, 210, 395, 290, 190, 210)     
par(mfrow=c(1,2), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=11)    
qqnorm(nblz, ylab="Nüchternblutzucker [mg/dl]", xlab="Normalverteilung", 
       main=" ", pch=19, cex=0.9)
qqline(nblz, col = "black", lwd=2)
qqnorm(chol, ylab="Cholesterin [mg/dl]", xlab="Normalverteilung", 
             ylim=c(150, 500), main= " ", pch=19, cex=0.9)
qqline(chol, col = "black", lwd=2)

7.2.4 Box-Cox Transformation

bcplot <- function(x, lambda) {
          n <- length(lambda); v <- rep(NA, n)
          for (i in 1:n) {
              if (lambda[i] == 0) y <- log(x)
              if (lambda[i] != 0) y <- (x^lambda[i] - 1)/lambda[i]
              nppl <- qqnorm(y, plot.it = FALSE); v[i]=cor(nppl$x,nppl$y)      }
          j <- which(v == max(v))
          list("cor"=v, "l.i"=lambda, "lambda"=lambda[j])    }
x <- c(20, 22, 24, 21, 19, 30, 40, 23, 24, 25, 19)
l <- seq(-5, +2, by=0.1)
lp <- bcplot(x, l); lp$lambda
## [1] -3

par(mfrow=c(1,3), lwd=2, font=2, font.axis=2, bty="l", ps=12)
qqnorm(x, main="vor Transformation",xlab="Q-Normal",ylab="Q-Daten")
plot(lp$l.i, lp$cor, main="Box-Cox Plot", xlab="Lambda", 
xtrn <- (x^lp$lambda -1)/lp$lambda
qqnorm(xtrn, main="nach Transformation",xlab="Q-Normal", 
            ylab="Q-transf. Daten")

7.2.5 Der Chiquadrat-Anpassungstest

obs <- c(7, 16, 8, 17, 3, 9); summe <- sum(obs)
exp <- rep(summe/6, 6)

stat <- sum((obs-exp)^2/exp); stat; qchisq(0.95, 5)
## [1] 14.8
## [1] 11.0705

Beispiel Nüchterblutzucker und Cholesterin:

par(mfrow=c(1,2), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=11)    
breaks <- seq(60, 120, by=8);  breite <- 8
hist(nblz, breaks, plot=T, col="grey",
     main=" ", xlab="Blutzucker [mg/dl]", ylab="Anzahl",xlim=c(60,120))
x      <- seq(60, 120, by=2) 
lines(x, dnorm(x, mean=mean(nblz), 
              sd=sd(nblz)) * breite * length(nblz), col="black", lwd=2)

breaks <- seq(180, 500, by=40); breite <- 40
hist(chol, breaks, plot=T, col="grey", 
     main=" ", xlab="Cholesterin [mg/dl]", ylab="Anzahl",xlim=c(180, 500))
x      <- seq(180, 500, by=40) 
lines(x, dnorm(x, mean=mean(chol), 
              sd=sd(chol)) * breite * length(chol), col="black", lwd=2)

Funktion pearson.test() in library(nortest)


pearson.test(nblz, n.classes=8, adjust=TRUE)
##  Pearson chi-square normality test
## data:  nblz
## P = 7.6, p-value = 0.1797

pearson.test(chol, n.classes=8, adjust=TRUE)
##  Pearson chi-square normality test
## data:  chol
## P = 21.6, p-value = 0.0006237

7.2.6 Kolmogoroff-Smirnoff Anpassungstest

Beispiel Nüchterblutzucker und Cholesterin:

par(mfrow=c(1,2), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=11)
n <- length(nblz)
p <- cumsum(rep(1,n)/n)
plot(sort(nblz), p, type="s", xlab="N?chternblutzucker [mg/dl]", ylab="F(x)")
x <- seq(60, 120, by =2)
y <- pnorm(x, mean=mean(nblz), sd=sd(nblz), log=FALSE)
lines(x, y, col="black")

n <- length(chol)
p <- cumsum(rep(1,n)/n)
plot(sort(chol), p, type="s", xlab="Cholesterin [mg/dl]", ylab="F(x)")
x <- seq(180, 500, by =10)
y <- pnorm(x, mean=mean(chol), sd=sd(chol), log=FALSE)
lines(x, y, col="black")

Funktionen ks.test() und lilllie.test() in library(nortest)


ks.test(nblz, "pnorm", mean(nblz), sd(nblz))
##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  nblz
## D = 0.10063, p-value = 0.8127
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided

ks.test(chol, "pnorm", mean(chol), sd(chol))
##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  chol
## D = 0.19969, p-value = 0.08232
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided

##  Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) normality test
## data:  nblz
## D = 0.10063, p-value = 0.3897

##  Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) normality test
## data:  chol
## D = 0.19969, p-value = 0.0003435

7.2.7 Shapiro-Wilk Test

Funktion shapiro.test() in library(nortest)


##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  nblz
## W = 0.98006, p-value = 0.6918

##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  chol
## W = 0.80629, p-value = 9.187e-06

7.2.8 Anderson-Darling Test Anpassungstest

Funktion ad.test() in library(nortest)


##  Anderson-Darling normality test
## data:  nblz
## A = 0.30513, p-value = 0.5525

##  Anderson-Darling normality test
## data:  chol
## A = 2.761, p-value = 4.39e-07

7.2.9 Ausreißerproblem

par(mfrow=c(1,1), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=11)
x <- c(3.2, 5.1, 5.0, 5.3, 5.1, 5.3, 4.8, 5.7, 4.5, 5.4,
       4.6, 4.8, 6.1, 5.5, 4.3, 4.8, 7.4, 8.3) 
bp <- boxplot(x, range=1.5, col="grey", las=1, ylim=c(3,9)); bp$out

## [1] 3.2 7.4 8.3

Äussere Grenzen:

Q <- quantile(x, p=c(0.25,0.5,0.75)); Q1 <- Q[1]; Q3 <- Q[3]
cat("Grenzen:",Q1 - IQR(x)*1.5,"-",Q3 + IQR(x)*1.5,"\n")  
## Grenzen: 3.7875 - 6.4875

Ausreißer nach Hampel Kriterium:

x <- c(3.2, 5.1, 5.0, 5.3, 5.1, 5.3, 4.8, 5.7, 4.5, 5.4,
       4.6, 4.8, 6.1, 5.5, 4.3, 4.8, 7.4, 8.3)
med.x <- median(x);      
mad.x <- mad(x, constant=1)

outlier <- (x < med.x - 5.2*mad.x) | (x > med.x + 5.2*mad.x)
## [1] 3.2 7.4 8.3 Grubbs-Test

x <- c(3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 
            11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 19, 20, 50)
n <- length(x); m.x <- mean(x); s.x <- sd(x); 
alpha <- 0.05; t <- qt(alpha/(2*n), n-2)
G.hat  <- max(abs(x-m.x))/s.x; G.hat
## [1] 3.610448
G.crit <- ((n-1)/sqrt(n)) * sqrt(t^2 / (n-2+t^2)); G.crit
## [1] 2.708246

Funktion grubbs.test() in library(outliers)


##  Grubbs test for one outlier
## data:  x
## G = 3.61045, U = 0.27782, p-value = 2.113e-05
## alternative hypothesis: highest value 50 is an outlier Q-Test nach Dixon

Funktion dixon.test() in library(outliers)

x <- c(3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 
            11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 19, 20, 50)


##  Dixon test for outliers
## data:  x
## Q = 0.67391, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: highest value 50 is an outlier

7.3 Einstichprobenverfahren

7.3.1 Hypothesen zu Wahrscheinlichkeiten Binomialtest

par(mfrow=c(1,2), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=11)
n  <- 30
p  <- 0.7
x  <- 0:n
fx <- dbinom(x, n, p)    
plot(x, fx, type="h", ylim=c(0, 0.2), xlim=c(0,n), ylab="f(x)", 
     xlab=" ", lty=3, col="grey")
points(x, fx, pch=19, cex=0.8, col="black")

Fx <- pbinom(x, n, p) 
x1 <- c(x, n+1, n+2)
Fx <- c(Fx, 1, 1)
plot(x1, Fx, type="s", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0,n+2), ylab="F(x)", xlab=" ")

pbinom(25, 30, 0.7, lower.tail=FALSE)                           # Binomialtest
## [1] 0.03015494

binom.test(26, 30, p=0.7, alternative="greater")
##  Exact binomial test
## data:  26 and 30
## number of successes = 26, number of trials = 30, p-value = 0.03015
## alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is greater than 0.7
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.7203848 1.0000000
## sample estimates:
## probability of success 
##              0.8666667
qbinom(0.95, 30, 0.7)
## [1] 25

Beispiel reguläre Münze:

binom.test(15, 20, p=0.5, alternative="two.sided")      
##  Exact binomial test
## data:  15 and 20
## number of successes = 15, number of trials = 20, p-value = 0.04139
## alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is not equal to 0.5
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.5089541 0.9134285
## sample estimates:
## probability of success 
##                   0.75

Zweiseitige Hypothesen:

n  <- 20; x  <- 15 ; p0 <- 0.5
pbinom(n-x, n, p0, lower.tail=TRUE) + pbinom(x-1, n, p0, lower.tail=FALSE)
## [1] 0.04138947
n  <- 20; x  <- 15 ; p0 <- 0.2
P <- 0; pH <- dbinom(x, n, p0)
for (i in 0:n) P <- ifelse(dbinom(i,n,p0) <= pH, P+dbinom(i,n,p0), P)
## [1] 1.802764e-07 Approximation durch die Normalverteilung

N <- 2000; n <- 400; x <- 184; p0 <- 0.40; p <- x/n  # Beispiel: H?ndler 
z <- (abs(p-p0) - 1/(2*n)) / sqrt(((p0*(1-p0))/n)*((N-n)/(N-1))); z
## [1] 2.680888
pnorm(z, lower.tail=F)
## [1] 0.003671356

binom.test(184, 400, p=0.40, alternative="greater")           # exakter Test ...
##  Exact binomial test
## data:  184 and 400
## number of successes = 184, number of trials = 400, p-value = 0.008542
## alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is greater than 0.4
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.4180829 1.0000000
## sample estimates:
## probability of success 
##                   0.46 Fallzahlabschätzung

alpha <- 0.05; beta <- 0.20                        
p0 <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8)
 p <- c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9)
ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2 * 
             (p0*(1-p0) + p*(1-p))) / (p-p0)^2)
## [1] 155 229 279 303 303 279 229 155

power.prop.test(n=NULL, p1=0.1, p2=0.2, sig.level=0.05, 
            power=0.80, alternative="one.sided")
##      Two-sample comparison of proportions power calculation 
##               n = 156.6054
##              p1 = 0.1
##              p2 = 0.2
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.8
##     alternative = one.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group
prob <- seq(0.01, 0.10, by=0.004); lp <- length(prob)
conf <- c(0.80, 0.90, 0.95);       lc <- length(conf)
ntab <- matrix(rep(NA, lp*lc), ncol = lp, byrow = TRUE)

for (i in 1:lc) 
{ for (j in 1:lp) ntab[i,j] <- (log10(1-conf[i])/log10(1-prob[j])) }
rownames(ntab) <- c("80%","90%","95%")
colnames(ntab) <- prob

par(mfrow=c(1,1), lwd=2, bty="l")
plot(ntab[1,], prob, type="b", las=1, lty=1, pch=1, xlim=c(10, 120),
     yaxp=c(0.01, 0.20, 19), xaxp=c(10, 120, 11),
     ylab="Wahrscheinlichkeit", xlab="Fallzahl")
lines(ntab[2,], prob, type="b", lty=1, pch=2)
lines(ntab[3,], prob, type="b", lty=1, pch=5)
abline(h=seq(20,300,20), col="grey", lty=2)
abline(h=seq(0.01, 0.10, 0.01), lty=2, col="grey")
legend("topright", pch = c(1,2,5), bty="n",
       legend=c("80% Power","90% Power","95% Power"), cex=1.2) Likelihood-Quotienten-Test

n <- 60; x <- 4; p0 <- 1/6                   
minus2ll <- 2*(x*log(x/(n*p0)) + (n-x)*log((n-x)/(n-n*p0)))
## [1] 5.362487

pchisq(minus2ll, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
## [1] 0.02057441

qchisq(0.95, 1)
## [1] 3.841459

binom.test(c(x, n-x), p = p0, alternative="less")              # exakter Test ...
##  Exact binomial test
## data:  c(x, n - x)
## number of successes = 4, number of trials = 60, p-value = 0.02019
## alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is less than 0.1666667
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.0000000 0.1460972
## sample estimates:
## probability of success 
##             0.06666667

7.3.2 Hypothesen zu Erwartungswerten mit Bezug auf den Mittelwert Einstichproben t-Test

m <- 9; s <- 2; n <- 25
t.hat <- abs(m-10)/(s/sqrt(n)); t.hat
## [1] 2.5

t.krit <- qt(0.975, n-1); t.krit
## [1] 2.063899

Beispiel erhöhter Blutdruck:

mue        <- 85                                               # Mittelwert Blutdruck     
standardab <- 9                                                # Standardabweichung
n          <- 11                                               # Anzahl der Fälle
sem        <- standardab / sqrt(n)

mue.0      <- 80                                               # Erwartungswert unter H.0
tquant     <- qt(0.95, n-1); tquant                            # Quantil Testverteilung  
## [1] 1.812461
mkrit      <- mue.0 + tquant*sem;   mkrit                      # kritischer Wert         
## [1] 84.9183
p.val <- pt((mue-mue.0)/sem, n-1, lower.tail=FALSE)                                            
mue.a      <- 88                                               # Erwartungswert unter H.A

x.i        <- seq(mue.0 - 3*sem, mue.a + 3*sem, by=0.1)
f0.i       <- dnorm(x.i, mean=mue.0, sd=sem)
fa.i       <- dnorm(x.i, mean=mue.a, sd=sem)

par(mfrow=c(1,2), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=11)
plot(x.i, f0.i, col="black", xlim=c(70, 100), ylim=c(0,0.15), yaxs="r",
     type="l", xlab="mittlerer DBP (mmHg)", ylab="f(x)")
abline(v=mkrit, col="black")
text(77, 0.151, "Annahmebereich", col="black", cex=0.8)
xval  <- seq(mkrit, mue.a + 3*sem, by=0.01)
xarea <- c(mkrit, xval); yarea <- c(0, dnorm(xval, mean=mue.0, sd=sem)) 
polygon(xarea, yarea, col="black", density=15, angle=135)
text(91, 0.02, expression(alpha == 0.05), cex=1)

plot(x.i, f0.i, col="black", xlim=c(70, 100), ylim=c(0,0.15), yaxs="r",
     type="l", xlab="mittlerer DBP (mmHg)", ylab="f(x)")
abline(v=mkrit, col="black")
text(77, 0.151, "Annahmebereich", col="black", cex=0.8)
xval  <- seq(mkrit, mue.a + 3*sem, by=0.01)
xarea <- c(mkrit, xval); yarea <- c(0, dnorm(xval, mean=mue.0, sd=sem)) 
polygon(xarea, yarea, col="black", density=15, angle=135)
lines(x.i, fa.i, col="black")
text(93, 0.151, "Ablehnungsbereich", col="black", cex=0.8)
xval  <- seq(mue.0 - 3*sem, mkrit, by=0.01)
xarea <- c(xval, mkrit); yarea <- c(dnorm(xval, mean=mue.a, sd=sem), 0) 
polygon(xarea, yarea, col="black", density=15)
text(79,0.03, expression(beta == 0.14), cex=1)

Abschätzung der Power:

tstat <- (86 - mue.0)/sem;   tstat                           # Teststatistik
## [1] 2.211083
pt(tstat, n-1, lower.tail=F)                                 # p-Wert für 'größer'
## [1] 0.02573309
beta <- pt((mkrit - mue.a)/sem, n-1, lower.tail=T)           # Power  
## [1] 0.1412941

## [1] 0.8587059

Beispiel Körpertemperatur:

temp <- c(36.8, 37.2, 37.5, 37.0, 36.9, 37.4, 37.9, 38.0)

t.test(temp, alternative="greater", mu=37)
##  One Sample t-test
## data:  temp
## t = 2.1355, df = 7, p-value = 0.03505
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 37
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  37.03807      Inf
## sample estimates:
## mean of x 
##   37.3375 Fallzahl und Power

d <- 15; s <- 30                        
effekt <- d / s

alpha <- 0.05; beta <- 0.20
n.1 <- ceiling((qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2 / effekt^2);         n.1
## [1] 25
n.2 <- ceiling((qt(1-alpha, n.1-1) + qt(1-beta, n.1-1))^2 / effekt^2); n.2
## [1] 27
n.3 <- ceiling((qt(1-alpha, n.2-1) + qt(1-beta, n.2-1))^2 / effekt^2); n.3
## [1] 27

                                                           # Funktion power.t.test()
power.t.test(delta=15, sd=30, sig.level=0.05, power=0.80, 
             type="one.sample",  alternative="one.sided")
##      One-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 26.13751
##           delta = 15
##              sd = 30
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.8
##     alternative = one.sided
par(mfrow=c(1,1), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=11)
power <- power.t.test(n=10:50, delta=15, sd=30, 
             sig.level=0.05, power=NULL, type="one.sample", 

plot(10:50, power, xlim=c(10,50), ylim=c(0.30, 1.0), type="b", las=1,
     xlab="Anzahl der Fälle", ylab="Teststärke (Power)"); grid() Einstichprobentest auf Äquivalenz

Beispiel Mikrozirkulation:

                                         # Quantile zur nichtzentralen Fisher-Verteilung 
myqf <- function(p, df1, df2, ncp) {
        uniroot(function(x) pf(x, df1, df2, ncp) - p, c(0, 100)) $ root 

n <- 23; d <- 0.16; s.d <- 4.0; eps <- 0.5

t.hat <- (d/s.d)*sqrt(n); t.hat                             # Teststatistik   
## [1] 0.1918333

c <- sqrt(myqf(0.05, 1, n-1, ncp=n*eps^2)); c               # kritischer Wert 
## [1] 0.7594587

7.3.3 Einstichproben-Median-Test

                                                       #  Quantile zur Wilcoxon-Verteilung
qsignrank(0.95, 6:20, lower.tail = TRUE)
##  [1]  18  24  30  36  44  52  60  69  79  89 100 111 123 136 149
x <- c(12, 16, 18, 24, 26, 31, 38, 40)                 # Wilcoxon signed rank test
wilcox.test(x, alternative="two.sided", mu=30, conf.int=TRUE)
##  Wilcoxon signed rank test
## data:  x
## V = 10, p-value = 0.3125
## alternative hypothesis: true location is not equal to 30
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  16.0 35.5
## sample estimates:
## (pseudo)median 
##           25.5

7.3.6 Prüfung der Zufallsmäßigkeit einer Folge von Alternativdaten Iterationstest / Runs-Test

library(tseries)                                      # Iterationstest / Runs-Test
werte <- c(18, 17, 18, 19, 20, 19, 19, 21, 18, 21, 22)
med   <- median(werte)

x     <- as.factor(werte<med); x
## Levels: FALSE TRUE

runs.test(x, alternative="two.sided")
##  Runs Test
## data:  x
## Standard Normal = -1.4489, p-value = 0.1474
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided Vorzeichen-Trendtest von Cox und Stuart

cox.stuart.test <- function (x) {                    # Cox-Stuart Test        
  method = "Cox-Stuart Test auf Trendänderung"
  leng = length(x);   
  apross = round(leng) %% 2    
  if (apross == 1) {delete = (length(x)+1)/2;x = x[-delete ] }
  half = length(x)/2
  x1 = x[1:half];       x2 = x[(half+1):(length(x))]
  difference = x1-x2;   signs = sign(difference)
  signcorr = signs[signs != 0]
  pos = signs[signs>0];   neg = signs[signs<0]
  if (length(pos) < length(neg)) {
    prop = pbinom(length(pos), length(signcorr), 0.5)
    names(prop) = "Aufwärtstrend, P-Wert"
    rval <- list(method = method, statistic = prop)
    class(rval) = "htest";     return(rval)
  else {
    prop = pbinom(length(neg), length(signcorr), 0.5)
    names(prop) = "Abwärtstrend, P-Wert"
    rval <- list(method = method, statistic = prop)
    class(rval) = "htest";     return(rval)

Beispiel mittlere Laufleistung von Kraftfahrzeugen:

mileage <- c(9.8,9.9,10.0,9.8,9.2,9.4,9.5,9.6,9.8,9.3,8.9,8.7,9.2,9.3)
##  Cox-Stuart Test auf Trendänderung
## data:  
## Abwärtstrend, P-Wert = 0.0078125

7.3.7 Prüfung von Erwartungswerten zu Poisson-Verteilungen

1 - ppois(15, .10 * 100, lower.tail = TRUE)         # Einsticprobentest
## [1] 0.0487404
poisson.test(16, 0.10*100, alternative="greater")
##  Exact Poisson test
## data:  16 time base: 0.1 * 100
## number of events = 16, time base = 10, p-value = 0.04874
## alternative hypothesis: true event rate is greater than 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  1.003596      Inf
## sample estimates:
## event rate 
##        1.6

ppois(16, 1.6*10)                                   # Power
## [1] 0.5659624 Fallzahl und Power

lA <- 0.63; l0 <- 1.26
alpha <- 0.05; beta  <- 0.10; power <- 1 - beta
n <- 1/4*((qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))/(sqrt(lA) - sqrt(l0)))^2
n <- ceiling(n); n
## [1] 20

lA <- 0.63; l0 <- 1.26
alpha <- 0.05; n <- 20
power <- 1-pnorm(2*sqrt(n)*(sqrt(lA)-sqrt(l0)) + qnorm(1-alpha))
## [1] 0.9024728

alpha <- 0.05; n <- 15
power <- 1-pnorm(2*sqrt(n)*(sqrt(lA)-sqrt(l0)) + qnorm(1-alpha))
## [1] 0.816419

7.3.2 Stichprobenumfang zur Prüfung einer Defektrate

n_defects <- function(lim, tol=1.5, alpha=0.10, power=0.90) {
  z_alpha <- qnorm(1-alpha);   z_power <- qnorm(power)
  units   <- ceiling(tol/lim * ((z_alpha/sqrt(tol) + z_power)/(tol-1))^2)
  defects <- ceiling(z_alpha*sqrt(units*lim) + units*lim)
  cat("\n","Es sind",units,"Einheiten zu prüfen...!","\n",
      "Die zulässige Fehlerzahl",lim,"wird um das",tol,"-fache","\n",
      "überschritten, wenn mehr als",defects,"Fehler auftreten!")    }

n_defects(lim=4, tol=1.5, alpha=0.10, power=0.90)
##  Es sind 9 Einheiten zu prüfen...! 
##  Die zulässige Fehlerzahl 4 wird um das 1.5 -fache 
##  überschritten, wenn mehr als 44 Fehler auftreten!

7.4 Zweistichprobenverfahren

7.4.1 Vergleich zweier Varianzen

n1 <- 41; sq1 <- 25;                                               # F-Test   
n2 <- 31; sq2 <- 16;

f.hat <- sq1 / sq2;                 f.hat
## [1] 1.5625
f.tab <- qf(0.95, n1-1, n2-1);      f.tab
## [1] 1.79179
x <- round(rnorm(10, mean=90, sd=10)); x
##  [1]  76  83  90  86 105  76  95 102 100  95
y <- round(rnorm(15, mean=90, sd=15)); y
##  [1] 120  84  81 113  96 110  95 114 101  92  66  97  84  69  67
var.test(x, y, ratio=1, altzernative="two.sided", conf.level=0.95)
##  F test to compare two variances
## data:  x and y
## F = 0.35592, num df = 9, denom df = 14, p-value = 0.1236
## alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.1109042 1.3517852
## sample estimates:
## ratio of variances 
##          0.3559247 Stichprobenumfang und Power

pwr.var <- function(ratio, n=NA, power=NA, alpha=0.05, alternative="einseitig") {
  p.alpha <- ifelse (alternative=="einseitig", 1-alpha, 1-alpha/2)
  if (is.na(n) & !is.na(power)) {                    # Fallzahl
    g <- function(n) {power - (1-pf((1/ratio) * qf(p.alpha, n-1, n-1), n-1, n-1))}
    u <- uniroot(g, c(ratio, 1000 * ratio))$root
    n.r <- ceiling(u);        p.r <- power
  if (!is.na(n) & is.na(power)) {                    # Power
    pwr <- 1 - pf((1/ratio) * qf(p.alpha, n-1, n-1), n-1, n-1)
    p.r <- round(pwr, 5);     n.r <- n
  cat("Fallzahl/Power zum Vergleich zweier Varianzen","\n",
      "Quotient V1/V2  :",ratio,"\n",
      "Signif.niveau   :",alpha,alternative,"\n",
      "Power           :",p.r,"\n",
      "Fallzahl (n1=n2):",n.r,"\n")

Beispiel Prüfung eines Verhältnisses:

pwr.var(ratio=3, power=0.90, alpha=0.05)
## Fallzahl/Power zum Vergleich zweier Varianzen 
##  Quotient V1/V2  : 3 
##  Signif.niveau   : 0.05 einseitig 
##  Power           : 0.9 
##  Fallzahl (n1=n2): 31

pwr.var(ratio=3, n=31, alpha=0.05)
## Fallzahl/Power zum Vergleich zweier Varianzen 
##  Quotient V1/V2  : 3 
##  Signif.niveau   : 0.05 einseitig 
##  Power           : 0.90657 
##  Fallzahl (n1=n2): 31 Vergleich zweier Variationskoeffizienten

cv.test <- function(ni, xi, si){
  N   <- sum(ni); K   <- length(ni); vi <- si / xi
  ui  <- (ni*vi^2)/(1+vi^2)
  sn <- (N-K)*log(sum(ui/(N-K)))-sum((ni-1)*log(ui/(ni-1))) 
  sd <- 1 + (1/(3*(K-1)) * sum(1/(ni-1))-(1/(N-K)))
  stat <- sn/sd;  p <- pchisq(stat, df=K-1, lower.tail=F)
  result <- list("chistat" = stat, "pval" = p)

ni <- c(54, 23); xi <- c(146.8, 31.2); si <- c(53.8, 31.0)
cvi <- (si/xi); round(cvi, 4)
## [1] 0.3665 0.9936

cv.test(ni, xi, si)
## $chistat
## [1] 18.5667
## $pval
## [1] 1.640612e-05

Funktion asymptotic_test2() in library(cvequality)

asymptotic_test2(k=2, n=c(54, 23), s=c(53.8, 31.0), x=c(146.8, 31.2))
## $D_AD
## [1] 25.13042
## $p_value
## [1] 5.358093e-07

7.4.2 Rangdispersionstest von Siegel und Tukey

siegel.tukey.test = function(x=NA, y=NA, ties=T) {
  n1 <- length(x);   n2 <- length(y);   n  <- n1 + n2
  x <- c(x, y) ;  v <- c( rep(1, n1), rep(0, n2) )
  d <- rbind(x,v)[,order(x)]         
  x.levels <- unique (x)
                                                    # Adjustierung bei ungerader Fallzahl
  if (n%%2==1) { d <- d[,c(1:trunc(n/2),(trunc(n/2)+2):n)] ;  n <- n - 1 }
  g = rep(NA, n)                                    # Erzeugen der Rangverteilung
  for (i in 1:n) {                    
   if                      (i%%2==0 & i  <n & i<=n/2) { g[i] <- 2*i       }
     else if               (i%%2==0 & n/2<i & i<=n  ) { g[i] <- 2*(n-i)+2 }
            else if        (i%%2==1 & 1 <=i & i<=n/2) { g[i] <- 2*i -1    }
                   else if (i%%2==1 & n/2<i & i<n   ) { g[i] <- 2*(n-i)+1 }
  if (ties) {                                       # Bindungen?
    for (xl in x.levels) {
      x.i <- (d[1,]==xl) 
      if (sum(x.i)>1) { g[x.i] <- mean(g[x.i]) }
                                                    # Berechnung der Teststatistik
  ST <- sum(g*d[2,])
                                                    # P-Wert
  eins    <- ifelse (2*ST > n1*(n1+n2+1), -1, +1)
  z.hat   <- (2*ST - n1*(n1+n2+1)+eins)/sqrt(n1*(n1+n2+1)*(n2/3))
  p.value <- 2*pnorm(z.hat, lower.tail=FALSE)
                                   # Ergebnisse
  cat("     Siegel-Tukey-Test ","\n",
      "ST =", ST, "P-Wert (2-seitig) =", p.value, "\n")


A  <- c(10.1, 7.3, 12.6, 2.4, 6.1, 8.5, 8.8, 9.4, 10.1, 9.8)
B  <- c(15.3, 3.6, 16.5, 2.9, 3.3, 4.2, 4.9, 7.3, 11.7, 13.1)

siegel.tukey.test(A, B, ties=TRUE)
##      Siegel-Tukey-Test  
##  ST = 134.5 P-Wert (2-seitig) = 0.02836551

7.4.3 Ansari-Bradley Test / LePage Test

A <- c(10.1, 7.3, 12.6, 2.4, 6.1, 8.5, 8.8, 9.4, 10.1,  9.8)
B <- c(15.3, 3.6, 16.5, 2.9, 3.3, 4.2, 4.9, 7.3, 11.7, 13.1)

ansari.test(A, B, alternative="two.sided")               # Ansari-Bradley
##  Ansari-Bradley test
## data:  A and B
## AB = 70.5, p-value = 0.0183
## alternative hypothesis: true ratio of scales is not equal to 1

Beispiel Silbergehalt byzantinischer Münzen:

A <- c(5.9, 6.0, 6.4, 7.0, 6.6, 7.7, 7.2, 6.9, 6.2); m <- length(A)
B <- c(5.3, 5.6, 5.5, 5.1, 6.2, 5.8, 5.8);           n <- length(B)
N <- m + n 

W <- wilcox.test(A, B); W
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  A and B
## W = 60.5, p-value = 0.002518
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
S <- W$statistic                                        # Wilcox-Statistik
S1 <- (S - n*m/2) / sqrt(m*n*(N+1)/12); S1
##        W 
## 3.069686

A <- ansari.test(A, B); A; 
##  Ansari-Bradley test
## data:  A and B
## AB = 43.5, p-value = 0.5204
## alternative hypothesis: true ratio of scales is not equal to 1
S <- A$statistic                                        # Ansari-Statistik

if (N%%2==0) { 
   S2 <- (S - (m*(N+2)/4)) / sqrt((m*n*(N^2-4)/(48*(N-1))));
   S2 <- (S - (m*(N+1)^2)/(4*N)) / sqrt(m*n*(N+1)*(3+N^2) / (48*N^2))}; S2
##        AB 
## 0.6018207

lepage <- S1^2 + S2^2; lepage                           # LePage Test
##        W 
## 9.785157

pchisq(lepage, 2, lower.tail=FALSE)
##           W 
## 0.007502052

7.4.4 t-Test für unabhängige Stichproben Unbekannte aber gleiche Varianzen

n1 <- 16; xbar1 <- 14.5; s1 <- 4 
n2 <- 14; xbar2 <- 13.0; s2 <- 3
Q1 <- (n1 - 1)*s1
Q2 <- (n2 - 1)*s2

t.hat <- (xbar1 - xbar2) / sqrt(((n1 + n2)/(n1*n2)) * 
            ((Q1 + Q2)/(n1+n2-2))); t.hat
## [1] 2.179797

t.krit <- qt(0.975, n1+n2-2); t.krit
## [1] 2.048407

Beispiel Gerinnungszeiten:

x <- c(8.8, 8.4, 7.9, 8.7, 9.1, 9.6)            
y <- c(9.9, 9.0, 11.1, 9.6, 8.7, 10.4, 9.5)

t.test(x, y, alternative="two.sided", var.equal=TRUE)
##  Two Sample t-test
## data:  x and y
## t = -2.4765, df = 11, p-value = 0.03076
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1.8752609 -0.1104534
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  8.750000  9.742857

qt(0.975, 11)
## [1] 2.200985 Unbekannte Varianzen - möglicherweise nicht gleich

Beispiel HDL-Werte:

aktiv   <- c(29.5, 44.9, 54.2, 55.4, 58.5, 59.8, 60.1, 84.2, 97.5)
inaktiv <- c(32.3, 32.7, 37.4, 38.4, 40.1, 
                    40.6, 45.3, 45.6, 52.0, 60.3, 60.5)

t.test(aktiv, inaktiv, alternative="greater", var.equal=FALSE)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  aktiv and inaktiv
## t = 2.2378, df = 11.141, p-value = 0.0233
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  3.243236      Inf
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  60.45556  44.10909 Fallzahlabschätzung und Power

power.t.test(delta=15, sd=20, sig.level=0.05, power=0.80, 
             type="two.sample", alternative="one.sided")
##      Two-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 22.69032
##           delta = 15
##              sd = 20
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.8
##     alternative = one.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group


beta  <- c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1)                                 # Tabelle 7.24
d     <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5)

alpha <- 0.05
n11    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha)+qnorm(1-0.3))^2 * 2) / d^2); n11
## [1] 942 236 105  59  38  20  10   5
n12    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha)+qnorm(1-0.2))^2 * 2) / d^2); n12
## [1] 1237  310  138   78   50   26   13    6
n13    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha)+qnorm(1-0.1))^2 * 2) / d^2); n13
## [1] 1713  429  191  108   69   35   18    8
n21    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha/2)+qnorm(1-0.3))^2 * 2) / d^2); n21
## [1] 1235  309  138   78   50   26   13    6
n22    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha/2)+qnorm(1-0.2))^2 * 2) / d^2); n22
## [1] 1570  393  175   99   63   33   16    7
n23    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha/2)+qnorm(1-0.1))^2 * 2) / d^2); n23
## [1] 2102  526  234  132   85   43   22   10

tab <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 8, ncol = 7, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL)
tab[,1] <- d
tab[,2] <- n11; tab[,3] <- n12; tab[,4] <- n13
tab[,5] <- n21; tab[,6] <- n22; tab[,7] <- n23 
colnames(tab) <- c("effekt","0.7","0.8","0.9","0.7","0.8","0.9")

as.data.frame(tab[, 1:4])                                 # alpha=0.05 einseitig
as.data.frame(tab[, c(1,5:7)])                            # alpha=0.05 zweiseitig

alpha <- 0.01
n11    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha)+qnorm(1-0.3))^2 * 2) / d^2); n11
## [1] 1626  407  181  102   66   34   17    8
n12    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha)+qnorm(1-0.2))^2 * 2) / d^2); n12
## [1] 2008  502  224  126   81   41   21    9
n13    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha)+qnorm(1-0.1))^2 * 2) / d^2); n13
## [1] 2604  651  290  163  105   54   27   12
n21    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha/2)+qnorm(1-0.3))^2 * 2) / d^2); n21
## [1] 1923  481  214  121   77   40   20    9
n22    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha/2)+qnorm(1-0.2))^2 * 2) / d^2); n22
## [1] 2336  584  260  146   94   48   24   11
n23    <- ceiling(((qnorm(1-alpha/2)+qnorm(1-0.1))^2 * 2) / d^2); n23
## [1] 2976  744  331  186  120   61   30   14

tab <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 8, ncol = 7, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL)
tab[,1] <- d
tab[,2] <- n11; tab[,3] <- n12; tab[,4] <- n13
tab[,5] <- n21; tab[,6] <- n22; tab[,7] <- n23 
colnames(tab) <- c("effekt","0.7","0.8","0.9","0.7","0.8","0.9")

as.data.frame(tab[, 1:4])                                 # alpha=0.01 einseitig

as.data.frame(tab[, c(1,5:7)])                            # alpha=0.01 zweiseitig

Beispiel Gerinnung:

power.t.test(n=20, sd=sqrt(0.905), sig.level=0.05, power=0.90, 
             type="two.sample", alternative="two.sided")
##      Two-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 20
##           delta = 1.000755
##              sd = 0.9513149
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.9
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group

Beispiel Sauerstoffaufnahme:

m1 <- 43.5;  m2 <- 46.2;  sp <- 2.8;   n  <- 15; alpha <- 0.05
nu    <- (n - 1)*2
quant <- qt(alpha/2, df=nu, lower.tail = FALSE)
nonc  <- sqrt(n/2) * abs(m1-m2)/sp; round(nonc, 2)
## [1] 2.64
power <- pt(quant, df=nu, ncp=nonc, lower.tail = FALSE) + 
                pt(-quant, df=nu, ncp=nonc, lower.tail = TRUE)

round(power, 4)
## [1] 0.7222

power.t.test(n=n, delta=abs(m1-m2), sd=sp, sig.level=alpha, alternative="two.sided")
##      Two-sample t test power calculation 
##               n = 15
##           delta = 2.7
##              sd = 2.8
##       sig.level = 0.05
##           power = 0.7222012
##     alternative = two.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group Bootstrap: t-Test Variante

two.sample.bootstrap <- function(x, y, B=999) {
  x <- x[complete.cases(x)];  y <- y[complete.cases(y)]
  n.x <- length(x);           n.y <- length(y)
  mean.x <- mean(x, na.rm=T); mean.y <- mean(y, na.rm=T)
  stdv.x <- sd(x, na.rm=T);   stdv.y <- sd(y, na.rm=T)
  d.x    <- stdv.x^2/n.x;        d.y <- stdv.y^2/n.y
  W      <- rep(NA, B)
  for (i in 1:B) {
    xi <- sample(x, n.x, replace=T);   yi <- sample(y, n.y, replace=T)
    mean.xi <- mean(xi, na.rm=T); mean.yi <- mean(yi, na.rm=T)
    stdv.xi <- sd(xi, na.rm=T);   stdv.yi <- sd(yi, na.rm=T)
    d.xi    <- stdv.xi^2/n.x;        d.yi <- stdv.yi^2/n.y
    W[i]    <- ((mean.xi-mean.yi)-(mean.x-mean.y))/sqrt(d.xi+d.yi)  }
  W <- sort(W); L <- round(0.025*B,0); U <- round(0.975*B,0)
  ci95.L <- round(mean.x - mean.y + W[L]*sqrt(d.x+d.y),3)
  ci95.U <- round(mean.x - mean.y + W[U]*sqrt(d.x+d.y),3)
  cat("       Bootstrap: t-Test Variante","\n",
      "Differenz  :",round(mean.x-mean.y,3),
      "mit den 95%-Konfidenzgrenzen: [",ci95.L,",",ci95.U,"]","\n")

Beispiel HDL-Werte:

aktiv   <- c(29.5, 44.9, 54.2, 55.4, 58.5, 59.8, 60.1, 84.2, 97.5)
inaktiv <- c(32.3, 32.7, 37.4, 38.4, 40.1, 40.6, 45.3, 45.6, 52.0, 60.3, 60.5)

two.sample.bootstrap(aktiv, inaktiv, B=999)
##        Bootstrap: t-Test Variante 
##  Mittelwerte: 60.456 und 44.109 
##  Differenz  : 16.346 mit den 95%-Konfidenzgrenzen: [ -2.28 , 30.633 ]
t.test(aktiv, inaktiv, alternative="two.sided", var.equal=FALSE)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  aktiv and inaktiv
## t = 2.2378, df = 11.141, p-value = 0.04659
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##   0.2937054 32.3992239
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  60.45556  44.10909
wilcox.test(aktiv, inaktiv, alternative = "two.sided", exact = TRUE, correct = FALSE) 
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test
## data:  aktiv and inaktiv
## W = 73, p-value = 0.0804
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0 Multivariater t-Test (Hotelling)

hotelling <- function(x1, x2) {                                   
  k1 <- ncol(x1);  k2 <- ncol(x2)          # Dimensionen in x1 und x2
  if (k2 != k1) stop("Fehler in den Dimensionen: x1 hat ", k1, 
                     " und x2 hat ", k2, "Spalten - Dimensionen!")
  p <- k1                                  # Anzahl Variablen
  n1    <- nrow(x1);              n2 <- nrow(x2)   
  xbar1 <- apply(x1, 2, mean); xbar2 <- apply(x2, 2, mean)
  diffbar <- xbar1 - xbar2
  v <- ((n1-1)*var(x1) + (n2-1)*var(x2)) / (n1+n2-2)
  # Hotelling's T2
  T2 <- n1*n2/(n1+n2) * (diffbar %*% solve(v) %*% diffbar)
  F  <- ((n1+n2-p-1)/((n1+n2-2)*p))*T2     # transform zu Fisher
  pvalue <- 1-pf(F, p, n1+n2-p-1)
  D2 <- diffbar %*% solve(v) %*% diffbar   # Mahalanobis Distanz
  cat(" Hotelling's multivariate T-Statistik","\n",
      " Differenzen    : ", diffbar,"\n",
      " Hotelling's T2 : ", T2,"\n",
      " F-Statistik    : ", F,"(P-Wert = ",pvalue,")","\n",
      " Mahalanobis D2 : ", D2,"\n")

Beispiel Schweißrate:

schweiss <- read.csv("sweat.csv", header=T, sep=";", dec=",")
## 'data.frame':    20 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ id    : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ Gruppe: int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Sweat : num  1.5 2.4 2.7 3.2 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.6 4.8 6.7 ...
##  $ Na    : num  13.5 24.8 55.5 53.2 48.5 47.2 36.9 36.1 54.1 47.4 ...
##  $ Ka    : num  10.1 14 19.7 12 9.3 10.9 12.7 17.9 11.3 8.5 ...

data      <- with(schweiss, cbind(Sweat, Na, Ka))
trained   <- subset(data, schweiss$Gruppe==1)
untrained <- subset(data, schweiss$Gruppe==2)
hotelling(trained, untrained)
##  Hotelling's multivariate T-Statistik 
##   Differenzen    :  -1.81 -10.36 3.35 
##   Hotelling's T2 :  11.30816 
##   F-Statistik    :  3.350565 (P-Wert =  0.04544368 ) 
##   Mahalanobis D2 :  2.261631

Funktion hotelling.test() in library(Hotelling)

print(hotelling.test(trained, untrained))
## Test stat:  3.3506 
## Numerator df:  3 
## Denominator df:  16 
## P-value:  0.04544

7.4.5 t-Test für Paardifferenzen t-Test für paarweise angeordnete Messwerte

Beispiel Behandlungseffekt:

behandelt   <- c(4.0, 3.5, 4.1, 5.5, 4.6, 6.0, 5.1, 4.3)
unbehandelt <- c(3.0, 3.0, 3.8, 2.1, 4.9, 5.3, 3.1, 2.7)

t.test(behandelt, unbehandelt, alternative = c("two.sided"), paired = TRUE)
##  Paired t-test
## data:  behandelt and unbehandelt
## t = 2.798, df = 7, p-value = 0.0266
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.1781177 2.1218823
## sample estimates:
## mean of the differences 
##                    1.15

7.4.6 Wilcoxon-Rangsummentrest (U-Test)

n1 <- 3;  n2 <- 5
U  <- 0:(n1*n2 +1)
W  <- U + n1*(n1+1)/2
f  <- dwilcox(U, n1, n2)
F  <- pwilcox(U, n1, n2)
par(mfrow=c(1,2), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=11) 

plot(W, f, type='h', col="black", xlab="Summe der Rangzahlen",
     ylab="f(r)", xlim=c(5,25), ylim=c(0,0.12))    
plot(W, F, type="s", col="black", xlab="Summe der Rangzahlen",
     ylab="F(r)", xlim=c(5,25))   

Untere / obere Quantile zur Wilcoxon-Verteilung (alpha=0.025 einseitig)

m <- 2:10; n <- 10
utab.l <- qwilcox(0.025, m, n, lower.tail=TRUE)
rtab.l <- utab.l + m*(m+1)/2
utab.u <- qwilcox(0.975, m, n, lower.tail=TRUE)
rtab.u <- utab.u + m*(m+1)/2

utab.l; utab.u                               # untere / obere Quantile zur U-Statistik    
## [1]  1  4  6  9 12 15 18 21 24
## [1] 19 26 34 41 48 55 62 69 76

rtab.l; rtab.u                               # untere / obere Quantile zu den Rangsummen  
## [1]  4 10 16 24 33 43 54 66 79
## [1]  22  32  44  56  69  83  98 114 131

Beispiel 1:

A <- c(7, 14, 22, 36, 40, 48, 49, 52); n1 <- length(A)
B <- c(3, 5, 6, 10, 17, 18, 20, 39);   n2 <- length(B)

All <- c(A, B)                              # verbinden der Stichproben       
grp <- c(rep(1, n1), rep(2, n2))            # kennzeichnen der Gruppe         
rnk <- rank(All)                            # zuordnen der Rangzahlen         

xdata <- matrix(c(grp,All,rnk),ncol=3)      # Aufbau der Matrix               
Namen <- c("Gruppe","Wert","Rang")          # Namen der Datenspalten          
dimnames(xdata) <- list(NULL, Namen)
data <- as.data.frame(xdata)

r1 <- sum(Rang[Gruppe==1]); r1
## [1] 89
r2 <- sum(Rang[Gruppe==2]); r2
## [1] 47

u1 <- r2 - n2*(n2+1)/2; u1
## [1] 11
u2 <- r1 - n1*(n1+1)/2; u2
## [1] 53
wilcox.test(A, B, alternative="greater", conf.int=TRUE, conf.level=0.95)
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test
## data:  A and B
## W = 53, p-value = 0.01406
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is greater than 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##    4 Inf
## sample estimates:
## difference in location 
##                   19.5

Beispiel 2:

A <- c(63, 68, 70, 81, 97, 104)
B <- c(91, 92, 95, 96, 99)

wilcox.test(A, B, alternative="two.sided")
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test
## data:  A and B
## W = 9, p-value = 0.329
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0 Der U-Test bei Rangaufteilung

A <- c(5, 5, 8, 9, 13, 13, 13, 15)
B <- c(3, 3, 4, 5,  5,  8, 10, 16)

wilcox.test(A, B, alternative="two.sided")
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  A and B
## W = 47.5, p-value = 0.1109
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

Funktion wilcox_test() in library(coin)

A <- c(5, 5, 8, 9, 13, 13, 13, 15)
B <- c(3, 3, 4, 5,  5,  8, 10, 16)

wert <- c(A, B)
grp  <- as.factor(c(rep("A",length(A)),rep("B",length(B))))
dat  <- as.data.frame(c(wert, grp))

wilcox_test(wert ~ grp, data = dat, alternative="two.side", 
                        distribution = "exact", conf.int = TRUE)
##  Exact Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test
## data:  wert by grp (A, B)
## Z = 1.6473, p-value = 0.1071
## alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1  9
## sample estimates:
## difference in location 
##                      4 Effektstärken im Vergleich unabhängiger Stichproben

mue1  <- 0; sigma <- 1
d     <- c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8)
mue2  <- d * sigma
                                                     # Abbildung 7.14
par(mfrow=c(2,2), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=12)
x <- seq(-3, 4, by=0.1)
f  <- dnorm(x, mean=mue1, sd=sigma)
f1 <- dnorm(x, mean=mue2[1], sd=sigma)
plot(x, f, type="b", xlab="d=0.2; P(X>Y)=0.56", ylab="Dichte f(x)", 
     main="A) kleiner Effekt", col="grey", cex=0.8)
lines(x, f1) 
f2 <- dnorm(x, mean=mue2[2], sd=sigma)
plot(x, f, type="b", xlab="d=0.5; P(X>Y)=0.64", ylab="Dichte f(x)", 
     main="B) mittlerer Effekt", col="grey", cex=0.8)
lines(x, f2) 
f3 <- dnorm(x, mean=mue2[3], sd=sigma)
plot(x, f, type="b", xlab="d=0.8; P(X>Y)=0.71", ylab="Dichte f(x)", 
     main="C) starker Effekt", col="grey", cex=0.8)
lines(x, f3) 
delta <- seq(-1, 1, b=0.1); F <- pnorm(delta/sqrt(2), mean=0, sd=1)
plot(delta, F, type="l", ylim=c(0.4, 0.8), 
            xlim=c(-0.5, 1), xlab="d", ylab="P(X>Y)", 
            main="D) Zusammenhang der Effektmaße", cex=0.8)
y <- pnorm(0.2/sqrt(2), mean=0, sd=1)
lines(c(0.2, 0.2), c(0, y), col="grey")
lines(c(-2, 0.2), c(y, y), col="grey")
y <- pnorm(0.5/sqrt(2), mean=0, sd=1)
lines(c(0.5, 0.5), c(0, y), col="grey")
lines(c(-2, 0.5), c(y, y), col="grey")
y <- pnorm(0.8/sqrt(2), mean=0, sd=1)
lines(c(0.8, 0.8), c(0, y), col="grey")
lines(c(-2, 0.8), c(y, y), col="grey") 

Beispiel Toxizität:

placebo <- c(1.69, 1.96, 1.76, 1.88, 2.30, 1.97, 1.69, 1.63, 2.01, 
             1.92, 1.93, 1.56, 1.71); n <- length(placebo)
verum   <- c(2.12, 1.88, 2.15, 1.96, 1.83, 2.03, 2.19, 2.10, 2.15, 
             2.00, 2.25, 2.49, 2.43, 1.89, 2.38, 2.37, 2.05, 2.00)
m <- length(verum)
d <- matrix(rep(NA, n*m), nrow=n)
for (i in 1:n) {
     for (j in 1:m) {
     if (placebo[i]  < verum[j]) d[i, j] <- 1
     if (placebo[i] == verum[j]) d[i, j] <- 0.5
     if (placebo[i]  > verum[j]) d[i, j] <- 0
P.hat <- sum(apply(d, 1, sum))/(m*n); P.hat           
## [1] 0.8504274
s     <- sqrt(((n-1)*var(verum) + (m-1)*var(placebo))/(n+m-2))
d.hat <- (mean(verum)-mean(placebo))/ s; d.hat       
## [1] 1.411237


c <- seq(1.5, 2.5, by=0.01); nc <- length(c)                     # ROC-Kurve 
rocx <- rep(NA, nc); rocy <- rep(NA,nc)
for (i in 1:nc)   {
    x <- 0; y <- 0
    for (k in 1:m) {if (verum[k]   > c[i]) y <- y + 1}
    for (k in 1:n) {if (placebo[k] > c[i]) x <- x + 1}
    rocx[i] <- x/n; rocy[i] <- y/m

par(mfrow=c(1,1), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=12)
plot(rocx, rocy, type="l", xlab="P(Y>c) - Plazebo", ylab="P(X>c) - Verum")
abline(0,1, lty=2); text(0.5, 0.2, "AUC = 0.85", cex=1.5)

Funktion performance() in library(ROCR)

par(mfcol=c(1,1),lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="n", ps=14, las=0) 
pred <- prediction(c(verum, placebo),c(rep(1, m), rep(0, n))) 
perf <- performance( pred, "tpr", "fpr" )
plot(perf) Fallzahlabschätzung für den U-Test

npwr.Utest <- function(effect, alpha=0.05, alternative="zweiseitig", 
                       power=NULL, N=NULL, c=0.5) {
  if (sum(sapply(list(N, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
    stop("Fehler: Nur eins von N oder power darf NULL sein")
  sig.level <- ifelse (alternative=="einseitig", alpha*2, alpha)
  if (is.null(N)) {
    N  <- (qnorm(1-power) + qnorm(sig.level/2))**2 / (12*c*(1-c)*(effect-0.5)**2) 
    n1 <- ceiling(N*c); n2 <- ceiling(N*(1-c))
    Power <- power   }
  if (is.null(power)) {
    sigma0 <- sqrt(1/(12*c*(1-c)))
    Power <- pnorm((sqrt(N)*abs(effect-0.5)+qnorm(sig.level/2) * sigma0) / sigma0)
    n1 <- round(N*c,0); n2 <- N - n1   }
  cat("Stichprobenumfang n1=",n1,"und n2=",n2,"\n",
      "Effekt P(X>Y)       =",effect,"\n",
      "Signifikanzniveau   =",alpha,"\n",
      "Alternativhypothese =",alternative,"\n",
      "Power               =",round(Power*100,2),"%")


npwr.Utest(effect=2/3, alpha=0.05, alternative="einseitig", power=0.80)
## Stichprobenumfang n1= 38 und n2= 38 
##  Effekt P(X>Y)       = 0.6666667 
##  Signifikanzniveau   = 0.05 
##  Alternativhypothese = einseitig 
##  Power               = 80 %

npwr.Utest(effect=2/3, alpha=0.05, alternative="einseitig", N=76)
## Stichprobenumfang n1= 38 und n2= 38 
##  Effekt P(X>Y)       = 0.6666667 
##  Signifikanzniveau   = 0.05 
##  Alternativhypothese = einseitig 
##  Power               = 80.83 %

Funktion noether() in library(rankFD)

noether(alpha=0.10, power=0.80, t=0.5, p=2/3)

7.4.7 Wilcoxon-Paardifferenzentest

M1 <- c(0.47, 1.02, 0.33, 0.70, 0.94, 0.85, 0.39, 0.52, 0.47)
M2 <- c(0.41, 1.00, 0.46, 0.61, 0.84, 0.87, 0.36, 0.52, 0.51)
D  <- M1 - M2; D
## [1]  0.06  0.02 -0.13  0.09  0.10 -0.02  0.03  0.00 -0.04
wilcox.test(M1, M2, alternative="two.sided", paired=TRUE)
##  Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction
## data:  M1 and M2
## V = 22.5, p-value = 0.5749
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

Funktion wilcoxsign_test() in library(coin)

M1 <- c(0.47, 1.02, 0.33, 0.70, 0.94, 0.85, 0.39, 0.52, 0.47)
M2 <- c(0.41, 1.00, 0.46, 0.61, 0.84, 0.87, 0.36, 0.52, 0.51)

wilcoxsign_test(M1 ~ M2, alternative = "two.sided", distribution = exact())
##  Exact Wilcoxon-Pratt Signed-Rank Test
## data:  y by x (pos, neg) 
##   stratified by block
## Z = 0.65331, p-value = 0.5469
## alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0


pseudo.median <- function(x) {
    d <- sort(x); n <- length(d); W <- rep(NA, (n*(n+1))/2); k <- 0
    for (i in 1 : n) { 
    for (j in i : n) { 
           k <- k+1; W[k] <- (d[i]+d[j])/2 } }

data <- c(-2, 4, 8, 25, -5, 16, 3, 1, 12, 17, 20, 9)
pseudo.median(data); median(data)
## [1] 9
## [1] 8.5

Walsh averages:

data <- c(-2, 4, 8, 25, -5, 16, 3, 1, 12, 17, 20, 9)
Wmat <- outer(data, data, "+")/2
Walsh_Averages <- c(Wmat[lower.tri(Wmat)], diag(Wmat));
pseudo_Median  <- median(Walsh_Averages); pseudo_Median
## [1] 9
Wilcoxon_Stat  <- length(Walsh_Averages[Walsh_Averages>0]); Wilcoxon_Stat
## [1] 71

n  <- length(data); Walsh_Averages <- sort(Walsh_Averages)
q1 <- (n*(n+1))/2 + 1 - qsignrank(0.975,n)
q2 <- qsignrank(0.975, n)
KI_u <- Walsh_Averages[q1]; KI_u
## [1] 3
KI_o <- Walsh_Averages[q2]; KI_o
## [1] 14.5

wilcox.test(data, conf.int=TRUE)
##  Wilcoxon signed rank test
## data:  data
## V = 71, p-value = 0.009277
## alternative hypothesis: true location is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##   2.5 16.0
## sample estimates:
## (pseudo)median 
##              9 Vorzeichentest von Dixon und Mood

vz_test <- function(x=0, y=NULL, alternative="two.sided") {
  n <- sum((x-y)!=0)                                    # Differenzen ungleich Null
  T <- sum(x < y) 
  if (alternative=="less")    p.val <- pbinom(T, n, 0.5)
  if (alternative=="greater") p.val <- 1-pbinom(T-1, n, 0.5)
  if (alternative=="two.sided")
    p.val <- 2*min(1-pbinom(T - 1, n, 0.5), pbinom(T, n, 0.5))
  cat("\n","Vorzeichentest zu",n,"Wertepaaren: T=",T,"; P =",p.val,"\n") }

ohne <- c(202, 182, 207, 184, 190, 197, 224, 171, 194, 203, 192, 215, 204, 178)
mit  <- c(211, 194, 200, 201, 204, 209, 230, 186, 206, 218, 192, 231, 199, 197)
as.data.frame(rbind(ohne=ohne, mit=mit))

vz_test(ohne, mit, alternativ="two.sided")
##  Vorzeichentest zu 13 Wertepaaren: T= 11 ; P = 0.02246094 Fallzahlabschätzung


beta <- c(0.10, 0.20); alpha <- c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01)
p    <- c(3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5); odds <- p / (1-p)
z.alpha <- qnorm(1-alpha); z.beta  <- qnorm(1-beta)

tab <- array(0, dim=c(4,3,2), dimnames=list(round(p, 2),alpha,beta))
for (i in 1:4) { for (j in 1:3) { for (k in 1:2) 
  tab[i,j,k] <- ceiling((z.alpha[j] + z.beta[k])^2 / (4*(p[i] - 0.5)^2)) } }
out <- cbind(odds, tab[,,1], tab[,,2])

Wilcoxon Paardifferenzentest

beta <- c(0.10, 0.20); alpha <- c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01)
p    <- c(3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5); odds <- p / (1-p)
z.alpha <- qnorm(1-alpha); z.beta  <- qnorm(1-beta)

tab <- array(0, dim=c(4,3,2), dimnames=list(round(p, 2),alpha,beta))
for (i in 1:4) { for (j in 1:3) { for (k in 1:2) 
  tab[i,j,k] <- ceiling((z.alpha[j] + z.beta[k])^2 / (3*(p[i] - 0.5)^2)) } }
out <- cbind(odds, tab[,,1], tab[,,2])

7.4.8 Vergleich der Erwartungswerte aus Poisson-Verteilungen

Beispiel Salmonellen:

x <- 10;  n1 <- 100                 
y <- 2;   n2 <- 100

q0 <- 1; pq <- (n1/n2)*q0 / (1 + (n1/n2)*q0)

p1 <- binom.test(x, x+y, pq, alternative="greater")$p.value
p2 <- binom.test(x, x+y, pq, alternative="less")$p.value
p  <- 2*min(p1, p2)
## [1] 0.03857422
poisson.test(x=c(x, y), T=c(n1, n2), r=1, alternative="two.sided")
##  Comparison of Poisson rates
## data:  c(x, y) time base: c(n1, n2)
## count1 = 10, expected count1 = 6, p-value = 0.03857
## alternative hypothesis: true rate ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##   1.065528 46.932835
## sample estimates:
## rate ratio 
##          5

Beispiel Rechnungsprüfung:

poisson.test(x=c(6, 16), T=c(500, 500), alternative="two.sided")
##  Comparison of Poisson rates
## data:  c(6, 16) time base: c(500, 500)
## count1 = 6, expected count1 = 11, p-value = 0.05248
## alternative hypothesis: true rate ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.1201837 1.0089245
## sample estimates:
## rate ratio 
##      0.375

poisson.test(x=c(5, 17), T=c(500, 500), alternative="two.sided")
##  Comparison of Poisson rates
## data:  c(5, 17) time base: c(500, 500)
## count1 = 5, expected count1 = 11, p-value = 0.0169
## alternative hypothesis: true rate ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.08484139 0.83050821
## sample estimates:
## rate ratio 
##  0.2941176

Beispiel Inzidenzrate:

x <- 50; n1 <- 3000
y <- 30; n2 <- 3000
l1 <- x/n1; l2 <- y/n2

z <- log(l1/l2) / (sqrt(1/x + 1/y)); z
## [1] 2.21194
p <- 2*pnorm(z, lower.tail=F);  p                     # zweiseitig
## [1] 0.02697082

poisson.test(x=c(x, y), T=c(n1, n2), r=1, alternative="two.sided")
##  Comparison of Poisson rates
## data:  c(x, y) time base: c(n1, n2)
## count1 = 50, expected count1 = 40, p-value = 0.03299
## alternative hypothesis: true rate ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  1.039340 2.714805
## sample estimates:
## rate ratio 
##   1.666667


x <- 50; n1 <- 3000
y <- 30; n2 <- 3000
l1 <- x/n1; l2 <- y/n2

z.alpha <- z/2                                        # Power (zweiseitig) 
z.beta  <- log(l1/l2) / (sqrt(1/x + 1/y)) - z.alpha
power   <- pnorm(z.beta, lower.tail=T); power
## [1] 0.8656302


l1 <- 0.010; l2 <- 0.005; ratio <- l1/l2             
alpha <- 0.05; z.alpha <- qnorm(1-alpha)              # einseitig
power <- 0.80; z.beta  <- qnorm(power)

x <- (1 + ratio)*((z.alpha + z.beta)/log(ratio))^2; y <- x / ratio
ceiling(x); ceiling(y)
## [1] 39
## [1] 20

n1 <- x / l1; n2 <- y / l2
ceiling(n1); ceiling(n2)
## [1] 3861
## [1] 3861

7.4.9 Kolmogoroff-Smirnoff Test

m1 <- c(2.1, 3.0, 1.2, 2.9, 0.6, 2.8, 1.6, 1.7, 3.2, 1.7)
m2 <- c(3.2, 3.8, 2.1, 7.2, 2.3, 3.5, 3.0, 3.1, 4.6, 3.2)

par(lwd=2, mfrow=c(1,1), font=2, font.axis=2, bty="l", ps=12)
n1   <- length(m1)
p1   <- cumsum(rep(1,n1)/n1)
plot(c(0,sort(m1)), c(0, p1), type="s",  xlim=c(0,8),
                 xlab=" ", ylab=expression(hat(F)))
text(1.5, 0.7, "Messreihe 1", cex=1.0)
n2   <- length(m2)
p2   <- cumsum(rep(1,n2)/n2)
lines(c(0, sort(m2)), c(0,p2), type="s")
text(3.5, 0.12, "Messreihe 2",  cex=1.0)
polygon(c(2.95, 2.95), c(0.2, 0.8), lty=4)

ks.test(m1, m2, alternative="two.sided")
##  Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  m1 and m2
## D = 0.6, p-value = 0.05465
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided Cramer-vonMises Test

Beispiel 1:

m1  <- c(0.6, 1.2, 1.6, 1.7, 1.7, 2.1, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.2)
m2  <- c(2.1, 2.3, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8, 4.6, 7.2)
n1  <- 10; n2 <- 10; x <- seq(0,8,by=0.1)
hm1 <- hist(m1, breaks=x, plot=F);  F <- cumsum(hm1$counts)/n1 
hm2 <- hist(m2, breaks=x, plot=F);  G <- cumsum(hm2$counts)/n2 

KS  <- max(abs(F-G)); KS                              # Kolmogoroff-Smirnoff-Test
## [1] 0.6

C   <- (n1*n2)/(n1+n2)^2 * sum((hm1$counts+hm2$counts)*((F-G)^2)); C 
## [1] 0.875

Bootstrap Funktion cvm_test() in library(twosamples)

cvm_test(m1, m2)
## Test Stat   P-Value 
##     2.320     0.005 
## attr(,"details")
##      n1      n2 n.boots 
##      10      10    2000

Beispiel 2:

X <- c(7.3, 7.9, 8.7, 9.0, 9.4, 10.2, 10.5, 11.1, 12.6)
Y <- c(4.3, 4.8, 5.2, 5.7, 6.0, 6.9, 8.0, 9.6, 11.8, 
       12.8, 13.1, 13.4, 13.7, 14.5, 14.9)
n1 <- length(X); n2 <- length(Y); x <- seq(0, 15, by=0.1)
hX <-hist(X, breaks=x, plot=F);  F <- cumsum(hX$counts)/n1 
hY <-hist(Y, breaks=x, plot=F);  G <- cumsum(hY$counts)/n2 

KS <- max(abs(F-G)); KS                            # Kolmogoroff-Smirnoff-Test
## [1] 0.4

C  <- (n1*n2)/(n1+n2)^2 * sum((hX$counts+hY$counts)*((F-G)^2)); C 
## [1] 0.3041667

Bootstrap Funktion cvm_test() in library(twosamples)

cvm_test(X, Y)
## Test Stat   P-Value 
##  1.297778  0.146500 
## attr(,"details")
##      n1      n2 n.boots 
##       9      15    2000

7.4.10 Weitere verteilungsunabhängige Verfahren Count Five: Zweistichproben Dispersionstest

x <- c(2.4, 6.1, 7.3, 8.5, 8.8, 9.4,  9.8, 10.1, 10.1, 12.6)
y <- c(2.9, 3.3, 3.6, 4.2, 4.9, 7.3, 11.7, 13.1, 15.3, 16.5)

x.m <- mean(x);  y.m <- mean(y); n <- length(x)

max.y <- max(abs(y-y.m)); max.x <- max(abs(x-x.m))
                abs(x-x.m)>max.y; abs(y-y.m)>max.x
tab <- rbind(x, abs(x-x.m), y, abs(y-y.m), 
                abs(x-x.m)>max.y, abs(y-y.m)>max.x)
C_x <- sum(tab[5,]); C_x
## [1] 0
C_y <- sum(tab[6,]); C_y
## [1] 2

colnames(tab) <- c(1:10)
rownames(tab) <- c("x","d_x","y","d_y","C_x","C_y")

plot(c(rep(1,n),rep(2,n)), c(abs(x-x.m),abs(y-y.m)), las=1,
      xlim=c(0.5, 2.5), ylim=c(0,9),
      xlab="Stichprobe", ylab="absolute Differenzen")
abline(h=min(max.x, max.y), col="red")

ansari.test(x, y, alternative="two.sided")
##  Ansari-Bradley test
## data:  x and y
## AB = 70.5, p-value = 0.0183
## alternative hypothesis: true ratio of scales is not equal to 1
var.test(x, y, alternative="two.sided")
##  F test to compare two variances
## data:  x and y
## F = 0.26878, num df = 9, denom df = 9, p-value = 0.06348
## alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.06675995 1.08208719
## sample estimates:
## ratio of variances 
##          0.2687752 Permutationstest, Randomisierungstest

Funktion oneway_test() in library(coin)

x1 <- c(20, 23, 30);                   n1 <- length(x1)
x2 <- c(27, 29, 35, 38, 40, 40, 45);   n2 <- length(x2)

sum(x1)                                   # Summe in der ersten Stichprobe
## [1] 73
choose(n1 + n2, n1)           # Anzahl möglicher Summen mit drei Summanden                
## [1] 120

x <- c(x1,x2); grp <- as.factor(c(rep(1, n1), rep(2, n2)))
dat <- as.data.frame(c(grp, x))
oneway_test(x ~ grp, distribution="exact", data=dat, alternative="less")
##  Exact Two-Sample Fisher-Pitman Permutation Test
## data:  x by grp (1, 2)
## Z = -2.1212, p-value = 0.025
## alternative hypothesis: true mu is less than 0

Beispiel (a) - unabhängige Stichproben:

A <- c(65, 79, 90, 75, 61, 98, 80, 75); na <- length(A)
B <- c(90, 98, 73, 79, 84, 98, 90, 88); nb <- length(B)

T.o   <- sum(A); T.o                     # Teststatistik        
## [1] 623
N     <- 500                             # Anzahl Wiederholungen
count <- 0 

combine <- c(A, B)
for (i in 1:N) {
    if (sum(sample(combine, na)) <= T.o) count <- count + 1
count/N                                 # P-Wert (einseitig)   
## [1] 0.032

Funktion wilcox_test() in library(coin)

x <- c(A, B)
g <- as.factor(c(rep("A", length(A)), rep("B", length(B))))
wilcox_test(x ~ g, distribution = "exact", alternative="less")
##  Exact Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test
## data:  x by g (A, B)
## Z = -1.5341, p-value = 0.06729
## alternative hypothesis: true mu is less than 0

Beispiel (b) - verbundene Stichproben:

prae <- c(90, 115,  98, 120, 93, 95, 102, 92)
post <- c(80,  95, 105, 110, 88, 92,  95, 88)
n    <- length(prae); stat <- numeric(n)

diff  <- prae - post
T.o   <- sum(diff); T.o                  # Teststatistik         
## [1] 52
N     <- 500                             # Anzahl Wiederholungen
count <- 0

for (i in 1:N) {
    for (j in 1:n) stat[j]=ifelse(runif(1) < 0.5, diff[j], -diff[j])
    if (sum(stat) >= T.o) count <- count + 1
count/N                                  # P-Wert (einseitig)     
## [1] 0.02

Funktion wilcoxsign_test() in library(coin)

wilcoxsign_test(prae ~ post, alternative = "greater", distribution = exact())
##  Exact Wilcoxon-Pratt Signed-Rank Test
## data:  y by x (pos, neg) 
##   stratified by block
## Z = 1.895, p-value = 0.03125
## alternative hypothesis: true mu is greater than 0 Mediantest

y1 <- c(2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 6, 7, 4, 3)                    
y2 <- c(7, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 8, 9)

y <- c(y1, y2)
g <- as.factor(c(rep("I", length(y1)), rep("II", length(y2))))

tab <- matrix(c(6, 1, 3, 8),  nrow = 2,
       dimnames = list(Stichprobe = c("I", "II"), Median = c("<5", ">=5")))

fisher.test(as.factor(y < median(y)), g)$p.value   
## [1] 0.04977376

Funktion oneway_test() in library(coin)

y1 <- c(2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 6, 7, 4, 3)                    
y2 <- c(7, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 8, 9)

y <- c(y1, y2)
g <- as.factor(c(rep("I", length(y1)), rep("II", length(y2))))

dat <- as.data.frame(c(g, y))

oneway_test(y ~ g, distribution="exact", alternative="two.sided")
##  Exact Two-Sample Fisher-Pitman Permutation Test
## data:  y by g (I, II)
## Z = -2.3915, p-value = 0.01896
## alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0

median_test(y ~ g, conf.int = FALSE, distribution="exact")
##  Exact Two-Sample Brown-Mood Median Test
## data:  y by g (I, II)
## Z = -1.8439, p-value = 0.1534
## alternative hypothesis: true mu is not equal to 0

7.4.11 Zweistichprobentest auf Äquivalenz

                         # Quantile zur nichtzentralen Fisher-Verteilung
myqf <- function(p, df1, df2, ncp) {
uniroot(function(x) pf(x, df1, df2, ncp) - p, c(0, 100)) $ root }

x <- c(59.3, 58.8, 62.0, 42.6, 73.3, 54.2, 50.5, 38.0, 45.3, 50.0)
y <- c(34.9, 44.9, 52.0, 65.4, 52.5, 52.2, 68.6, 47.7, 55.9, 55.7, 53.5, 56.6)

m.x <- mean(x); s.x <- sd(x); m=length(x)
m.y <- mean(y); s.y <- sd(y); n=length(y)
T <- ((m.x - m.y) / sqrt(sum((x-m.x)^2)+ sum((y-m.y)^2)))*sqrt((m*n*(m+n-2))/(m+n));T
## [1] 0.0183523

eps <- 0.5                                            # kritischer Wert
c <- sqrt(myqf(0.05, 1, m+n-2, ncp=(m*n/(m+n))*eps^2))
## [1] 0.125252

Funktion tost() in library(equivalence)

x <- c(59.3, 58.8, 62.0, 42.6, 73.3, 54.2, 50.5, 38.0, 45.3, 50.0)
y <- c(34.9, 44.9, 52.0, 65.4, 52.5, 52.2, 68.6, 47.7, 55.9, 55.7, 53.5, 56.6)

tost(x, y, alpha = 0.05, epsilon=0.50)
##  Welch Two Sample TOST
## data:  x and y
## df = 17.741
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##    53.400    53.325 
## Epsilon: 0.5 
## 95 percent two one-sided confidence interval (TOST interval):
##  -7.131907  7.281907
## Null hypothesis of statistical difference is: not rejected 
## TOST p-value: 0.4598171 Test auf Bioäquivalenz

Beispiel Allopurinol:

R1 <- c(3.648, 8.531, 4.318, 6.974, 5.862, 3.082)
R2 <- c(4.894, 6.504, 7.372, 4.105, 2.368, 6.229)
T1 <- c(3.881, 4.835, 6.914, 5.236, 3.058, 5.722)
T2 <- c(3.671, 7.693, 4.481, 5.591, 5.311, 3.165)

RT <- log(R1) - log(T2); nRT <- length(RT); mRT <- mean(RT); sRT <- sd(RT)
TR <- log(R2) - log(T1); nTR <- length(TR); mTR <- mean(TR); sTR <- sd(TR)

mD <- (mRT + mTR)/2; mD
## [1] 0.044304
sD <- sqrt(((nRT-1)*sRT^2 + (nTR-1)*sTR^2)/(nRT + nTR -2)); sD
## [1] 0.1797106

alpha <- 0.05
l.u <- mD - qt(1-alpha, nTR + nRT -2)* (sD * sqrt((1/nRT + 1/nTR) * 0.5)); l.u
## [1] -0.08866999
l.o <- mD + qt(1-alpha, nTR + nRT -2)* (sD * sqrt((1/nRT + 1/nTR) * 0.5)); l.o
## [1] 0.177278

7.5 Mehrfacher Hypothesentest

7.5.1 Multiples Testproblem

m <- 1:100                                       
p <- c(0.001, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10)
y <- matrix(rep(NA, 5*100), nrow=5, byrow=T)
for (i in 1:5) y[i,] <- 1 - (1-p[i])^m

par(mfcol=c(1,1), lwd=2, font.axis=2, bty="l", ps=13) 
plot(m, y[1,], ylim=c(0,1), type="l", las=1, lwd=2,
     xaxp=c(0,100,10), yaxp=c(0,1,10),
     xlab="Zahl der mehrfachen Tests [m]",
abline(h=seq(0,1,0.1), lty=2, col="grey")
for (i in 2:5) lines(m, y[i,], lwd=2)
text(50, 0.08, "0.1%", cex=1.2); text(50, 0.45, "1%", cex=1.2)
text(44, 0.65, "2%", cex=1.2);   text(29, 0.85, "5%", cex=1.2)
text(20, 0.95, "10%", cex=1.2)

alpha <- seq(0, 1, by=0.05); m=10            
p1    <- rep(1, length(alpha)); p2 <- m*(1-alpha)^(m-1)

par(mfrow=c(1,2), lwd=2, font.axis=2.5, bty="n", ps=12) 
plot(alpha, p1, type ="l", ylim=c(0,10), xlim=c(0, 1),
     ylab=expression(paste("f(",alpha,")")), xlab=expression(alpha))
polygon(c(0,0,0.05,0.05), c(0,1,1,0), density=20)
text(0.5, 5, expression(paste("Pr(",P[1] <= 0.05,")=0.05")))
plot(alpha, p2, type ="l", ylim=c(0,10), xlim=c(0, 1),
     ylab=expression(paste("f(",alpha,")")), xlab=expression(alpha))
polygon(c(0,0,0.05,0.05), c(0,10,m*(1-0.05)^(m-1),0), density=20)
text(0.6, 5, expression(paste("Pr",(min((P[i]),i) <= 0.05),"=0.401")))

7.5.2 Adjustierung von P-Werten

test <- 1:5; m <- length(test)                    
p    <- c(0.011, 0.062, 0.015, 0.040, 0.002)
p.B  <- p.adjust(p, method="bonferroni")
R.p  <- rank(p)
p.H  <- p.adjust(p, method="holm")
p.SH <- p.adjust(p, method="hochberg")
p.BH <- p.adjust(p, method="BH")

adjust <- cbind(test, p, p.B, R.p, p.H, p.SH, p.BH)

7.5.3 Kombination von P-Werten

stouffer_test <- function(p, w) {                     # Stouffer-Verfahren 
  if (missing(w)) w <- rep(1, length(p))/length(p)
  else if (length(w)!=length(p)) stop("p und w unterschiedlich lang (?)") 
  zi <- qnorm(1-p); z <- sum(w*zi)/sqrt(sum(w^2))
  P.Wert <- 1 - pnorm(z)
  cat("z =",z," und kombinierter P-Wert =",P.Wert,"\n")

stouffer_test(p=c(0.04, 0.07, 0.10))
## z = 2.602712  und kombinierter P-Wert = 0.004624487